Thursday, November 09, 2006

No plans on Sunday? Here's something to do...

I know, you are probably looking for some pictures of us in Manila...but haven't taken any as a family yet. Maybe today.

It's fabulous to have James and Reyde here. The boys are getting accustomed to city life and all the splendor.

James's perspective..."I wouldn't walk underneath those electric lines. "

Reyde's perspective..."What's that smell?" (From the odor of the traffic, the food vendors on the street, the deodorizers in the elevators, etc.)

And another from Reyde, "Oh look, there's another taxi. And a jeepney, and a taxi, and another taxi....Mom are we going to ride in a taxi???"

Finally...if you have no plans on Sunday, head on down to the Inn at Lucky Mud...hear my Uncle Bob rattle off some tunes....

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