Friday, November 06, 2009

You never cease to amaze me kid

Reyde's artistic talent continues to flourish. He joined Art Club at school; we are thankful that a local artist is donating her time to teach children the basics of art. Theory, types of brush strokes, shading of color, styles of art. What a blessing.

Last night, Reyde drew these pictures at Miss Vicky's. I asked him if he'd learned this at Art Club. Nope. Did you see it in a book at school? Nope.

"Mom, it was in my mind."

Hmm. Art has never been in my mind like this.

So I thank God for giving Reyde the gift of art. He'll be the last kid on the block to have his own computer, probably won't touch email and instant messaging like his Dad, but he'll have nurtured his creative talent.

1 comment:

Dtracycar said...

Those are really amazing! Hope you guys are well!