Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Flamingo Has Landed

Back in the USA....quite the adventure has ended. I suppose a better way to phrase this is an eventful chapter has ended and a new one begun.

Got home from the Philippines on Tuesday morning. A wee bit tired but stayed a awake most of the day.

James made dinner. TACOS. WOO WOO. Brought me back to the Philippines when I asked for lettuce to stuff in my taco and he says, "oh I forgot to buy that at the store." Translation, "I know it's on the menu, but sorry it's not available."

I made up my own to Philangish word. (Philipino and English.) QUESAMADA. James couldn't remember what Reyde likes to eat. I thought I could remember. I said quesamada. A combo of quesadilla and ensaymada. WOOPS.

And probably the funniest thing happened when James was browning the hamburger for the taco meat. I was cleaning off the counter to make space for cooking. I put a bunch of bills and paperwork and keys and wallet and glasses and whatever else spilled out from my purse when I came home.

I am in the living room with Reyde and he asks me what I did with the taco seasoning.


Belly laugh. "Yeah right Wendy, you put it in your purse." Woops.

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